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You. On. Fire.

Be encouraged.
Be inspired.
Be comforted.
Be challenged.
Be together.

Be who God meant you to be and YOU will set the world on FIRE!

Bring an Event to Your Parish / School

Join us for a unique experience!

A year from now, you'll have more passion, purpose & peace than you do today... or not! You'll be more caring, patient, focused, courageous, humble, creative and alive... or not!

Saint Catherine of Siena said, "Be who God meant you to be - and you will set the world on FIRE!"

A favorite of audiences across the country, discover  questions that will transform your life. Whether you're 12 or 112, you'll walk away from this life-changing event with a simple and clear plan to help make your life work better!

The Experience:
We'll laugh, dream, face reality, reconnect with what matters most, and maybe even cry. You'll make commitments and find simple strategies to live those commitments. We'll share successes, struggles, and lessons learned.

The Game-changer you need:
Every now and then, we get a wake-up call. "Jonathan is a master at giving people what he calls "frying pan" moments... powerful wake-up calls... delivered with love and humor! His program was exactly what my whole family and parish needed!" ~Stephanie (Daytona, FL)

Your Host - Jonathan Fanning:
Jonathan is the author of several books, including Who are you BECOMING?, Conversations with the Monk, Creativity Unleashed and I Once Was Lost. He was voted best speaker at a TEDx Conference and has inspired and challenged audiences with his message in 49 states and on 3 continents.

The Monk:
Jonathan was blessed to have a Monk in his life for almost two decades. They discussed everything. Known simply as "the Monk" to many, this brilliant, holy, and imperfect monk helped countless souls in their pursuit of purpose, meaning, peace, happiness... The Monk loved to remind Jonathan, "You're a sheepdog, not a shepherd. The sheepdog has one job. Point towards the shepherd!"

Invite a friend!
This experience is NOT your typical Church event. You don't want to miss it... and you don't want your friends to miss out, either!

Bring an Event to Your Parish / School

Meet Your Retreat Guide


Jonathan Fanning

Jonathan speaks across the country and internationally for churches, conferences, leadership retreats, etc. (Clients include Alvin Ailey, Mars Chocolate, Mercedes-Benz, McDonald's, the US Military & FDNY)

Jonathan has an amazing gift of combining story-telling, humor, emotion, and tough questions.

He's passionate about life's most important questions, especially: "Who are you becoming?" and "Who are you helping the people around you to become?"


NO Hands... but Yours!

Heavenly Father, how can I be your hands today?

Is there someone that you want me to encourage today?

Do you want me to reach out to someone who is lonely or hurting today?

Help me to give you time in my schedule today, to say with my actions: Your will, not mine.

Lord, let me be your hands!

Mother Teresa's "Scoreboard"

What if there was a final exam in life with ONLY 1 question... and you knew what it was?

"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in."  ~ Mother Teresa

Jonathan's good friend, the Monk, often urged: "SEE the people! See them!"

See them and serve them.

The Last Time...

...There is a last time for everything
There will come a time when you will feed your baby for the very last time
They will fall asleep on you after a long day
And it will be the last time you ever hold your sleeping child

...They will hold your hand to cross the road
Then will never reach for it again
They will creep into your room at midnight for cuddles
And it will be the last night you ever wake to this...

Download the "Last Time" Poem!


Talks / Workshops / Retreats

  • Set the World on FIRE! - Catherine of Siena said, "Be who God meant you to be... and you will set the world on FIRE." This program has been a favorite in churches across the country. Discover 4 simple habits that change everything. (usually a 1/2 day retreat)
  • Conversations with the Monk - Imagine meeting a Monk who seemed to have a profoundly deep understanding of human nature, history, parenting, life! Jonathan had a Monk in his life for 15 years. People would drive hours to visit this monk and the Monk would help them wrestle with their most important challenges. (often facilitated over a meal)
  • Who Are You Becoming? - A year from now, you’ll be a better leader, parent, person... or not. More courageous, caring, focused, patient, humble, passionate, effective... or not. Based on Jonathan’s best-selling book, discover the "Simplest and Most Effective Character Development Plan!"
  • Developing Emotional Intelligence - Emotions affect everything... and they're contagious. Are yours worth spreading? Discover a powerful framework to take your EI - connections, relationships, ability to stay calm and composed under pressure - to the next level.
  • The Servant Leader Paradox - Each of us is an agent of change… for better or for worse! What separates those we choose to follow from those we follow simply because we "have" to? 4 Habits that change your parenting, leadership and life!
  • Creativity Unleashed! [5 Habits of World-Class Innovators] - Are you as creative as you could be? Jonathan’s TED Talk on this topic won the best speaker of the conference and the “Innovator’s Equation” is just one of many game-changers we'll explore.
  • God? I have a few questions... - Based on Jonathan’s forthcoming book and almost 20 years of serious conversations with a Monk, we'll dig in to some of our culture's biggest questions about God, religion, purpose, relationships, etc. Fun & incredibly relevant!
Bring an Event to Your Parish / School